Friday, June 20, 2008

I Think I've Got It!

How are you all doing on memorizing the scripture? I broke it down in parts and thought about the meaning of each phrase. It's powerful! And I must say, it's very fun to memorize something that feeds my spirit!


connie said...

That is one thing I have to work on, Karen typed one out for us and I have it in my bible I need to get it out of there and start working on it...
For me one bit thing that I will struggle with is selling the house, and not worring about it while I wait for a buyer...
also being away from my youngest, she is in Utah and we are hear, and I miss her she is only 15. I know that there is something that God wants to use this situation for, so I pray that he shows me...

Karen said...

I'm considered taping copies of the scripture in various places. What do you think about taping it to the car dashboard?

Memorizing frustrates me! But, like the little engine that could, I think I can, I think I can....

Cheri said...

Praying for your family and house to sell. Both you and Sherri need your houses to sell. I am praying for a buyer for each.
You can do it! If I can memorize so can you. Today I was taking a blood pressure, walked away from the patient, and within seconds forgot the reading. I had to ask the patient what I had told her. Talk about embarrassing! Want to meet for coffee before Bible study on Tuesday?

UL Cards Fan said...

Good morning. I LOVE the new picture on the Ky. Siesta blog. Could you add me as a contributor? I have done some posting on the delphi forum that Rebecca set up through the LPM blog but I would really love to "study" with my KY. Siestas. Thanks. LINDA

Carla said...

Please pray! I'm letting all the pressure of life get a foot hold. I haven't even started on my memorization yet. I'm keeping up with the homework but finding it hard to remember to post any answers. This is the first time I've tried a study on a blog site, and it's frustrating when I discover that I've missed a few days od blogging ant anxwers. Sorry, Carlazmxjckg