Monday, June 30, 2008

Beth's Message # 2: Peculiar Acrostic

OK, here goes....Peculiar acrostic: What are various ways Christ has set us apart?

P - PERSONAL relationship with Jesus
C - CHRIST-like
U - The prayer of the UPRIGHT is His Delight (Prov. 15:8)
L - LOVE of Christ that passes understanding (Eph. 3:19)
I - He who overcomes will INHERIT all things (Rev. 21:7)
A - We are AMBASSADORS for Christ (2 Cor. 5:20)
R - Lead me to the ROCK that is higher than I (Ps.61:2)

What words would you use to describe peculiar people?


UL Cards Fan said...


connie said...

P- profound
E- entralling
C- calm
L- loving
I- insightful
A- abundant
R- reliable

Sherri said...

P-picky,as in discerning
E-everlasting life
C-not cookie cutter followers
U-unexplainable love for others
L-living what I believe
I-indescribable joy
A-ability to perservere
R-reality checks--I am not worthy of His grace

Traci said...

P--Praying for His will constantly
E--Encouraged that He will answer my prayers
C--Confident He hears my prayers
U--Unashamed to know Him
L--Loved more than I thought possible
I--Intimidated by His glory
A--Attitude changed forever
R--Raised from a pit of sin

Peggy said...

P --- I am his Property.
E --- He gives me encouragement, that I can then pass on to others.
C --- He gives me Courage to face my fears
U --- I am Unique in his eye
L --- He Loves me,for the Bible tells me so
I --- He loves me Irregardless of my faults and accepts me
A --- I am Amazed at his love for me
R --- I am redeemed