Monday, June 30, 2008

Beth's Message # 2: Fear Protects Our Idols

NOG - pg. 49.
"For the most part, we're afraid of being afraid. So perhaps fear isn't a primary god but the guard that stands outside the castle where the primary god lives. In other terms, fear protects our idols."

Beth's Message # 2: God Has Make Me Laugh

"God has made me laugh."

Beth's Message # 2: Peculiar Acrostic

OK, here goes....Peculiar acrostic: What are various ways Christ has set us apart?

P - PERSONAL relationship with Jesus
C - CHRIST-like
U - The prayer of the UPRIGHT is His Delight (Prov. 15:8)
L - LOVE of Christ that passes understanding (Eph. 3:19)
I - He who overcomes will INHERIT all things (Rev. 21:7)
A - We are AMBASSADORS for Christ (2 Cor. 5:20)
R - Lead me to the ROCK that is higher than I (Ps.61:2)

What words would you use to describe peculiar people?

Beth's Message # 2: Functional God

Beth Moore posted on the LPM blog tonight with the instructions for the second meeting of our NOG study. Her video is again hilarious, especially the bargain shopping tips and inside-out leggings. I think what I will do is post separately for each discussion and we can either add comments to the post or post independently if you desire. I'll start with the first discussion:


Thank you for your prayers. The first information we got about the accident was inaccurate and the injuries were not as severe (PRAISE GOD).

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Prayer Request

Dear Friends,
I just received word that the youth group from Centenary United Methodist Church in Lexington was involved in a bad accident in Dolthan, Alabama on their way to Fla. for a choir tour. Two of the three buses were hit and there are possibly 10 kids in critical condition. I belong to First United Methodist in Lexington but many of the kids are friends with kids from our church and many families will be affected. Thank you for lifting these families up to the throne of ou Heavenly Father. LINDA

Friday, June 27, 2008

I'm back from our mini trip to Indy. We went to a great concert!
Did you like Kelly Minter's statement "The goodness of Jesus Christ burned so brightly in her that people gloried God; she almost seemed from another world" from page 39? I wish that I could say this about myself. But, so often, I am looking out for my best interests, making sure that my life is my assignments at work, in what I do with my free time, in shrinking from an opportunity to share Christ, for example. Not that I am blatantly sinning, but I'm not exactly reflecting the goodness of the Jesus Christ. Do any of you feel this way?

Melissa's Divine Revelation

Did any of you read Melissa's most recent post to the LPM blog? If not, check it out. It's profound. She dwells on the importance of re-discovering the Bible, pure and simple. I especially love the quote she shares from John Bunyan: “This book will keep you from sin, or sin will keep you from this book”. Wow.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Love You Siestas

I just want to say what a privilege it is to get to know all of you guys! A little over two weeks ago, when Traci and I met via the LPM blog, I never dreamed that I would be conversing with so many wonderful ladies. My hope is that we continue to encourage one another and hopefully, if it be God's will, meet in the future (if not here on our temporal home, we will certainly meet in Heaven).
One of my favorite Christian music artists is the late Keith Green. Yesterday, while I was on the treadmill, I listened to this beautiful song:

Oh Lord, You're beautiful!
Your face is all I see
For when Your eyes are on this child
Your grace abounds to me
Oh Lord, please light the fire
That once burned bright and clean
Replace the lamp of my first love
That burns with holy fear
I want to take Your Word and shine it all around
But first help me just to live it, Lord
And when I'm doing well, help me to never seek a crown
For my reward is giving glory to You

"The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all." II Corinthians 13:14

God Bless,

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The Joy of the Lord

Along with completing week one, I have memorized the first verse of our scripture and my favorite part is Christ presenting me to God with GREAT JOY. Imagine that! We bring Joy to our Father! I was reminded of an anthem I have sung in my church choir. It is based on Zephaniah 3:17. Here are part of the words: And the Father will dance over you with JOY, He will take delight in whom He loves, Is that a choir I hear singing the praises of God? No, the Lord God Himself is rejoicing over you in song.

How much richer our lives would be if we thought about God rejoicing over us, His Holy and treasured posessions.

I long to "build a fortress wherein only GOD, His words and my heart exist together for a time" (p. 34). I am ready to MAKE ROOM. LINDA

Monday, June 23, 2008

Week One, Done!

For the first time in a long time, I am so far on schedule with Bible Study! It's only week one, so I'm not getting too proud of myself yet! The most significant thing I have gleaned from this week is from day three, the bottom of page 21, where she talks about recognizing our powerlessness against our idols, and accepting the gift of His strength. I never thought of His power as a gift, and I never thought of accepting it. So, I'm working on having that mindset to overcome my idol.
To answer Beth's question, the biggest obstacle I face this summer is our move to Frankfort. Back in February, my husband started his job here, leaving me in Memphis so our oldest son could finish third grade. Brian came home on weekends. Now, school is out, our house is for sale with no good offers, we're living in a condo in Frankfort with few of our things, unable to really settle yet or make many plans. I'd like to get my boys in soccer camp or something, but if our house sells...well, we don't know where we'll be any given week. I trust the Lord, knowing He's in control and His timing is right. I mean, He's not up there wringing His nail-pierced hands saying, "Oh, no! Their house hasn't sold yet! What should I do?" But I struggle with discouragement. On the other hand, our house could sell any day now and I'd be up to my elbows in boxes and packing tape!
Did I mention that I've gained 20 pounds since my husband took this job? Food is no doubt my idol.


The baby is 8 months old - not 4. No idea why I put that!

Hi Ladies!

I'm new - Cheri apparently found my entry on the LPM blog and invited me to join! I'm grateful. My name is Melinda and I live in Harrodsburg - about 45 minutes southwest of Lexington. I grew up here, but married a guy from Houston TX and we lived there from 1996-2006. I had the privelege of sitting in on some of Beth Mooore's studies live, at Houston's First Baptist church. It was so cool. And I miss it, let me tell ya! But I'm happy to be home in the Bluegrass. We're still looking for a church - it's a small town, and not a lot of offerings. But I think we've finally narrowed it down to a couple. So hopefully before the summer's out we'll have one to call home. My husband's name is Corey and we've been married 11 years. I have a beautiful daughter, Laurel, who is 6, a beautiful son Sawyer, who is 4, and a beautiful baby girl, Isla (pronounced Eye-la), who is 4 months old. I am homeschooling them and trying to pursue a small photography business at the same time.
My biggest obstacle to doing this study is not only my three children and all their needs (Isla is climbing me as I type with one finger!), but my own lack of self-discipline. I am horrible at time management. I'm having trouble identifying my most powerful idol, but I think it is self-gratification. Whether in regards to the use of my time, eating, shopping (I'm addicted to bargains!) or whatever, I give in to self rather than choosing what's best. There may be a deeper idol that causes the self-gratification, but I haven't identified it yet.
Gotta run - the baby will not let me type anymore!

FYI - Kelly Minter's blog

Kelly Minter has a post on her blog welcoming everyone to the Summer study. Check it out... Go to her blog to read the message.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Hello Ladies!

I see that some of you have posted a little about yourselves this week as we are starting this study. I was invited to do this with Karen whom I have the pleasure to work with. Our co-worker, Connie, is also involved. I suspect that I am the youngest member of the group at the ripe age of 22. I am single and live at home with my wonderful parents and incredible sister (who is about to head to London on study abroad). I am about to start my career as a French teacher (either high school or middle school), or at least hope to this fall (read "waiting for a school to call"). I like to read, watch movies, cook and hang out with friends. I LOVE Starbucks and Barnes & Nobles. I have been a Christian since I was 5 and a Southern Baptist for 5 years.

I finished the homework for this week and was very convicted! God is gracious! He shows us sin in our lives and reminds us how dependent on his mercy that we are. I feel that God is really calling me to do this study with all my heart especially this week in two ways. First, while teaching VBS this week, the kids heard how dangerous idolatry was! I totally took that as a reminder for myself and hope that the kids can learn this lesson early in life. Also, in my Sunday School class this week, we studied Deuteronomy 4. I was reminded of the warning of God to the Israelites that they only serve HIM and not idols. The warning are STRONG against idol worship, "Take care, lest you forget the covenant of the LORD your God, which he made with you, and make a carved image, the form of anything that the LORD your God has forbidden you. For the LORD your God is a consuming fire, a jealous God" (4:23-24 ESV). The teacher today talked about how we often do not describe God as a "consuming fire." He is a jealous God who WILL NOT share His glory with another. What a great reminder that this study is what I am in need of right now! I have so many idols and go after them instead of God. But how gracious and merciful He is to forgive! Oh that I may trust him more deeply for all my needs and not go after these gods that cannot fulfill as He does. Thanks for reading ladies. I look forward to the rest of this study with you all. Blessings on you this week!

PS-I am very glad to have a fellow CARDS fan on board! You are brave to live in the lion's den!

Hello from Lexington

I am so happy to be able to study with you. My name is Linda Peel and I am an RN at the KY. Clinic in Lexington in Adolescent Medicine. Teenagers are like White Castles- you either love them or can't stand them and happily for me I love them both. I feel like this job is exactly where God wants me. I graduated from PRP and then went to UK because UL did not have a college of Nursing at the time BUT I am a DIE HARD UL FAN.(GO CARDS!)

NO OTHER GODS is quite different from Beth's studies that I have done but thought provoking nevertheless. From day 3 of week one I have had a couple of times when I was powerless and could only cry out to God. God was faithful. It is very difficult to give things to GOD and then let go; many times I want to give God some direction in how to fix the issue. But in these situations I could do nothing BUT rely on God and His infinite wisdom. And isn't this the POINT? How could I ever think I could advise the Creator of the Universe?

Here is my prayer from p. 21.
Dear Lord,
I have tried to control things in the past but when I have relied on You and not myself you have answered my cries- For myself, for Brittany (my daughter), for my father's health. Help me rely on you for EVERY need.

Back from the Beach

I have to say after a week at the beach and 2 days in the car, I am beyond happy to be back in KY! Lots of posts to catch up on. That's great.

I just finished day 4 homework. You are right Karen, it really spoke to me too. I have really fallen short of doing all for the glory of God. Beth asked in our homework to name our biggest challenge toward walking victoriously with God this summer. I came up with 2 right off the bat. One is my lack of time (isn't that everyone's??)-or time not spent well-and the other is an internal struggle at our current church. My husband and I are at a huge crossroads over this and all I can ask is prayer for God's will to be done. In the mean time, you may see me in Louisville attending bible study as our church does not offer one.

Has anyone come up with any catchy ways to memorize the scripture? I like the idea of taping it everywhere to read and memorize. I will give it a try.

Enjoy your Sunday ladies. I am off to Owenton to get our beloved bunny rabbit from the pet sitter.


Saturday, June 21, 2008

Good Morning My Dear Siestas


First, please be praying for us today as we welcome someone else into our family. Please pray especially for Jonathan and Samantha as they start their life together, that it will be one that is grounded in Christ. (and as a side note, please pray away any rain since it is an outdoor wedding with NO rain plan!!)

Secondly, I will be leaving in the morning with my husband for a short trip he has to Gatlinburg, TN. so I may not have internet access. (my computer tends to be a little picky with wireless connections). Please pray for safe travel for us and for safety for our son Jordan while we are away.

Third, Jordan will be leaving on Wednesday for a mission trip to Guatemala. Please pray for him and the group from Highview Baptist Church as they minister to an orphanage in Guatemala City. (i'm sure I'll be asking for more prayer for this as time goes on)

I can't begin to tell you how blessed I feel to have this group of ladies to turn to for pray at this point in my life. Thank you in advance for lifting these up to our Precious Savior.

Last, I have really struggled with the question Beth gave us to consider. Struggled because I don't like the answer I keep coming up with. The single biggest hinderance I have for Bible study this summer, for growing closer to my Savior is ME!! There, I've finally admitted to you. I feel so ashamed, but there is no other reason. I am not in school right now, so the countless hours spent with lesson planning, grading papers, searching for better ways to teach a lesson, coaching, and preparing for chapel are all out of the way for now. There are the things that need to be done around here that I have to let go during school, but trust me when I say I continue to let those things go for other things I want to do. I have asked myself "why is this" over and over. I look at those that I believe are on fire for Him and I want it so badly and yet here I am with "ME" as the anwer to what hinders that most. Why IS that, I wonder. I have determined to not let this keep me from pressing on, as the apostle Paul would say. And maybe this is the lesson He wants me to keep pressing on even when I am standing in my own way.

Have a blessed day.

In His love!!!

Friday, June 20, 2008

I Think I've Got It!

How are you all doing on memorizing the scripture? I broke it down in parts and thought about the meaning of each phrase. It's powerful! And I must say, it's very fun to memorize something that feeds my spirit!

Good Friday Morning Sisters

Well, it is Friday, and I am finally able to get back with all you. Sorry about that. I wanted to share what I believe my struggle to be this summer (this was part of the homework that Beth gave to us). For me I think that it is going to be 2 main things: (1) My work load (2) and feeling distant from God. Please pray for both of these areas for me.

Sadly, I have only comlpeted the first day of homework which I did on Tuesday night. The last two nights I fell asleep before I could get my study & quite time started. Yet, another struggle. However, I have a "date" with my Heavenly Father tonight to work on my study and have time with him.

How is everyone else doing?


Be Real

Thanks, Karen, for your post. I am so bummed that I am not going to be able to attend the conference in August. I will be in Destin, Florida that week on a family vacation (even though, I am glad that I will be there, don't get me wrong). Last summer, when we were encouraged to get our tickets soon, I thought, good grief, it's a year away! So I didn't buy any, then they were sold out :-( In January I found out what week we would be on vacation, so it was meant to be.
Valley View church is three miles from my house, though.

One thing that has been going through my mind this week, is to Be Real. But, that doesn't mean to"air your dirty laundry" (think Jerry Springer). No matter what face we put on to our friends and family, God knows our true intentions and our heart (my husband knows too, he's been with me long enough). I am so thankful, that even though God knows what a selfish person I am, He cuts me a break, and actually wants my company.

I finished day three yesterday. On the topic of powerlessness, I struggle with certain areas of my life created by myself...eating disorders, slothfulness (laziness to be honest), uncaring attitude. I know that I am powerless to change my ugly self and only God can help me, and I seek Him.
But, I have had an experience where I felt somewhat like the Israelites, where I was completely out of control of the situation. I turned this over to God, because I could do nothing to alter the circumstances. He alone was in charge of the matter and still is. I have to trust Him.

I'm looking forward to your perceptions about the first week. Have a fun weekend!
God bless,

In case you are interested

A couple of you have asked about the Living Proof event here in Louisville in August. As you know, it is sold out (it probably sold out faster than any other event. Go Louisville!) but there will be a simulcast at Valley View Baptist Church in Louisville. I talked to the lady who is handling all of that and she asked if I would share the following information.

So, I'm sharing.

Because I'm like that. (though my children might disagree. Especially if it's something like cheesecake. Or chocolate. What can I say? I'm a work in progress.)

I digress. Sorry.

The simulcast will be at Valley View Baptist Church. The church is on Old Third Street Road in Louisville. They have seating for 2000. The tickets cost $35.00 and the phone number is 502 935 5142.

Now, what chapter are you all on? I started Monday night so I finished day four last night. If you have done day four, what did you think about it? Did it slap you upside the head like it did me?

He trusts something that can't help him at all. Yet he cannot bring himself to ask, "Is this idol that I'm holding in my hand a lie?" Isaiah 44:20

Ironside says (in the HCSB student bible p. 935) " Idolatry seems inherent in the heart of man. Today, men do not worship idols of gold and silver, and brass and iron, but every man who turns away from God sets up some kind of an idol in his heart. He either worships himself or some folly, pleasure or fame."

Sigh. Strong, convicting words. I thank God today that He is patient and forgiving.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Hello from Sherri!
Siestas, I am so glad I found you! I am 41, married for 11 years, with three boys (!!!).
They are 9, 6 (next week), and almost 3. I grew up Southern Baptist in a large church with an awesome pastor. My husband recently got a job in Frankfort and we are moving there as soon as our house sells--huge prayer request, by the way: quick sale of our house. It is a difficult time for me because I grew up in Memphis and my family is here. But God planned this and has promised to take care of us. My husband has been working up there since February, coming home on weekends. So, things have been weird for us.
I have done most of Beth's studies, and some of them twice! I hope to find one up there somewhere (anyone know of any?). I found out too late about the LPL conference in Louisville, and there were no tickets left. I hope to go to a satellite location.
I am already not as lonely, knowing you guys are out there!

Savin' Lives

One and two and three and four and......Oh! I'm sorry I'm just saving lives (or at least the manikin's life that I practiced on today at my ACLS class). Class is going well and I am trying to study for the test tomorrow.
The posts and comments are soooo good! Keep on writing!


My Everything

Ladies I tend to write things down in this way. I hope you don't mind my sharing. This is what came to my mind in thinking on idols or getting off focus which I often do. Sometimes it's circumstances or situations other times it's just plain busyness which everyone I know these days is busy. There's always a million things going on so it seems so easy to lose your focus.

Psalms 23:1 The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.

The word Lord in this passage is Jehovah-Ro’I, meaning “maker.” My shepherd represents my everything. He is the reason I shall not want. He makes my life complete and causes me to be whole. I am lacking nothing with my Lord.

Today my Heavenly Father continues to remind me that He is my everything. Sometimes the world just seems to fall apart around me. Some old hurts arise and I feel so overwhelmed like it’s more than I can bear. I hear myself crying out, “not this one again Lord.” “This one was on the mend, don’t let this one crumble, it may end up beyond repair.”

My Lord and my shepherd is all knowing. He knows what I can bear and what I can live with. Just when I think it’s too much and I’m ready to give up, the shepherd tending to my life makes His presence known. He reminds me that I must let Him be my everything and I do not want. There is not a longing in my soul that He can’t fill. There is no void in my life.

Right now He whispers, “What is it that you want?” My heart cries out, “I just want you.” I can hear Him telling me He is all I need. I’ve got to know where my heart is. When my heart is in my circumstances then it’s not focused on being whole. Just like the scripture says where your treasure is there will your heart be also. If I am caught up in the situation and my treasure lies in trying to fix things then that’s where my heart is. Treasure is anything that captures our undivided attention for the time. I don’t want anything to have that much power in my life except the one true God.

Heavenly father forgive me for the change of focus, for not making my relationship with you my top priority. You are my maker, and my everything. Thank you for reminding me that nothing is missing in you. Amen.

The first one

Good morning! I hope each of you had a restful night.

Beth asked that we try and list the main challenge to walking victoriously with God this summer. I probably have a million reasons why this might be a struggle, but the biggest one is probably the way I use my time. (Yvonne, I am so glad you are not an english teacher!) I tend to do a lot of things. I also tend to have a "butterfly mind" so I often flit from thing to thing. I have good intentions (and we all know where the road to good intentions leads...) but I allow things to get in my way. My prayer for this season is that God not also give me a hunger for His Word but that He would keep my eyes focused where they belong...on Him.

I also have to confess that I am horrible at scripture memorization. Not that I can't memorize because I certainly remember the words to songs that I like to sing and lines from movies I enjoy and silly stuff like that. I don't know what the deal is but I am going to memorize this scripture.

Ladies, I am praying for each of you as we walk on this journey. May your day be blessed!


Quick note:
I don't know if your computer has the correct time for the postings, but evidently, I've been in Pacific time. I changed it to Eastern, so hopefully, it will change. Remember, I'm just learning this blogging stuff!

No Other Gods - first day

Hello everyone!
A quick entry before I get ready for the first day of my class (I'm taking an ACLS class today and tomorrow). First off, did anyone make the chicken enchilada/chili con queso meal that was posted on the blog? Or did you do the black beans and rice, butterfinger cake recipe (sounds delicious) from the book? We had enchiladas last week (first time I made them) and my husband hates black beans, so I made spaghetti and meat sauce which is easier :-) Melissa's recipe looked so much better than the one I was from Rachael Ray and had a touch of cinnamon in it (think Skyline chili). I think that Melissa's recipe sounds like it would be better.

I posted the memory verse on the Kentucky Siestas heading. It is the King James version, which I love, but feel free to memorize it in any version you want.

I finished the first day of homework last night. I find it very easy to profess God as my Lord and yet "serve" functional Gods without thinking. It seems I've spent my life trying to please people, trying to be what I think that particular important person in my life wants me to be. My husband said he has a fear of disapproval...he is not honest with people that he cares about because he wants their approval. He stifles and sacrifices his real feelings because he is afraid of disapproval (he's probably done this with me). Sometimes even good things in our lives, such as family and friendships, can distract us from the Lord if we place their approval above His approval in our lives.

A big time waster (and idol) for me has been the TV. I love the Food Network (it "relaxes" me....isn't that crazy). Lately, I've tried to make a conscious decision to NOT turn it on during the day. I can think so much clearer when it's QUIET in my house, but I find myself drawn to turn it on "just to check the news" and soon I'm hooked on Rachael Ray or the View. My husband watches TV at night and prefers to have it on during his sleep. I try to turn it off if I get to bed after him.

I can't wait to read what your thoughts are! I do not confess to being a facilitator....I am leaving the discussion open to all to share what is on your mind.
I hope you have a great day at the office, on the beach, at home playing with the kids or wherever you are today!

God bless!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Hi from Connie!!

Hi I am 45 and I have been married for just over 25 years, my husband and Ron have 4 children Jessica 25, Ron 24, Ashley 20 and Candice 15... Jessica is married to Josh and they gave me 3 Grand kids, Kendrick 6, Caleb 3 1/2, and Keira 2. Ashley is married to Eli and Ron is still single...

My husband and I was saved just over 4 years ago. We both grew up Mormon, and God saved us out of that cult... Then one by one all my kids left the Mormon Church and were saved... Jessica's husband was saved as a teenager, and Ashley's husband was saved just over 2 years ago after growing up Mormon...

We attend Hillsdale Baptist, and we love it, they are the family that we don't have around here...

I'm from Utah I have lived there all but 9 years of my life, I spent my teenage years in Cali and I have been here to 2 years... I live in Louisville and I work with Karen and Katie at Lifeway... My husband and I sent Candice our 15 year old back to Utah a few weeks ago to live with her sisters until we get there, and we are selling our house and moving back to Utah, were I will be working back at the Salt Lake Lideway...

I am so excited to do this study, I have not done one since I left Utah 2 years ago...

It was great reading your stories, and I can't wait to see what God has in store for us all during this study...


Hi! from Patty

Hi everyone! I think this is going to be so much fun. I love the accountability of studies like this but it's been hard to work one into my crazy work schedule since I moved to Louisville.

I'm 43, single and work in graphic design for the local newspaper. I love telling stories -- whether it's in words or through visuals -- so that side of the business has made up for all the crazy hours and demands.

I grew up in Arkansas, went to college in Missouri, headed to Florida for about 8 years and then went to California for a decade or so.

I grew up in a Baptist church and was very involved through my youth. But I grew disillusioned with organized churches and all of the politics in my young adult years and strayed away from churches. Not my faith, just the Sunday morning deal. Then God put me in just the right place when I moved to California. I found a wonderful church that felt at home the minute I walked in. I had wonderful pastors that spoke lots of truth into my life for a decade. I still miss them.

I came to Louisville about 3 years ago to work at the paper and love the diverse culture of the city as well as the friendly people. Definitely a well-kept secret but it's been fun to explore.

I'm really excited to see where God takes us in the next 8 weeks. It should be fun to "hang out" together here.

Excite to be here!!

HI to all of you!!! I am so excited to be here. I thought I would be doing this study solo. I had not gotten a book until the last possible second and it turned out to be such a God thing!!! (yes, Lifeway in Louisville does have quite a few of them now!!--thanks Karen!)

A little about me. I am 46, married for 24 years to a wonderful man who is the Sunday School director for the Kentucky Baptist Convention. Before coming to Louisville 11 years ago for him to work at the KBC, we lived and served in churches in SC, Owensboror and Bowling Green. We have two sons who are 19 and 18. Our 19 year old is getting married this Saturday, so please pray for me and him and his sweet little wife. While we are excited, we are also very concerned because they are so young. My youngest son will be a freshman at U of L in the fall. I grew up in Lawrenceburg, Kentucky in a wonderful Christian home. My precious Daddy has gone on to be with the Lord and my mom now lives in Nicholasville. I am a middle school math teacher at Whitefield Academy and love working with middle school students. But English, especially writing is not my thing, so please forgive my mistakes!!!

I have done almost all of Beth's Bible studies and have gotten so much out of them. I am really looking forward to what God is planning to do and how I will grow in Him during this time.


PS> Because of getting ready for the wedding, I may be a little behind at first, but I promise to get it together after that!!!

Hello from Karen

Hey, everybody! I am so excited to share this study with everyone. I am looking forward to seeing exactly what God has in store for each of us.

I posted random bio information over on the forum and I don't want to repeat myself (which I do plenty of anyway) so if you want to know more about me, please stop by my blog.

Also, if you can't find a copy of the book, please call me at the Louisville LifeWay (502-491-4589). I ordered extra as soon as Beth mentioned that she wanted to lead the study so we have plenty. Once I get back from dinner, I will be there until 9.


Hello from Traci

Hello! Thank you so much for getting us started Cheri! My name is Traci. I am 39 years old and live in Frankfort, KY. Although, I grew up in Knoxville, TN, I have been here 7 years and am very much at home.
I am also an RN. I received my Bachelor's from Carson-Newman College (a great Baptist school) and work in the Emergency Department.
I am married to a fellow Kentuckian whom I met while I was in the Navy 12 years ago. We have 2 amazing 8 year old girl and a 4 year old boy.
We are currently on vacation in South Carolina right now so I will make this quick. I look forward to getting to know you ladies and to studying God's word. I took a long break from studying the Word and just got back into it last year when a dear friend of mine gave me a copy of Beth Moore's study The Patriarch's. I have done a couple more since and am excited to get into this Kelly Minter study!

P. S. Karen--I can't believe I haven't met you, I absolutely LOVE the Louisville Lifeway store!!

Hi everyone!

Wow! I'm so excited! Welcome to everyone that has posted. I am including my bio for the new ladies who haven't seen it yet (for the others, sorry for the repeat).

"I'm Cheri, 49 years old, married with five adult children (three girls, two boys) and two grandsons. I am a registered nurse and work in the cardiac telemetry area at a local hospital in Louisville.

I accepted Jesus as Savior at age 17, studied God's Word, fellowshipped with Christians and loved Jesus. As my friends around me started getting married, I got the itch, and entered into a less than perfect marriage. Five years and three babies later, my husband and I divorced. I was devastated because I knew that marriage was for keeps.

For the next four years, I moved into the survival mode, went back to school and received a bachelor's degree in Nursing (with a lot of help from my parents - God bless them). I was single for several more years. During this time, I strayed from the Lord. Eleven years ago at age 38, I married a wonderful man that loved and respected me. We joined our families together, creating a full house with the five children. We are "empty nesters" now (yeah!). My children are my friends, they are all special individuals with God given talent. The grandchildren are icing on the cake!

My desire is to draw closer to Him, to his Word and to serve Him by serving others. I have to keep going back to His throne because my ugly self loves to rear up. "

Ladies, I have a prayer request. I am taking a class (ACLS - Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support) on this Wednesday and Thursday at my work. I have spent very little time in preparing for this class (luckily I've taken this course before, but it's been a couple of years and the class requires a lot of memorization). So, I need pray that my perimenopausal brain will be able to memorize and I can pass the test!
God bless!
This is all very new to me, so please be patient with me! I started this once and hit the wrong button and it disappeared.

I am really excited about this study and participating with each one of you! I have been raised in church, but didn't get serious about my relationship with the Lord until I was an adult. I have attended several of Beth Moore's bible studies and started trying to lead them in my church last fall. The last one we completed was "Daniel" and it was awesome!

siestas in christ,


Sorry gals I'm at work right now and just thought I'd say hello and introduce myself real quick during lunch. I'm really looking forward to this Bible study.
Amy I got my workbook from because Lifeway was sold out. You may want to try that. I've gotta run but I am so excited to be doing this with you all.

Hello From Amy

Good Morning Girls,
I am very excited about this study and about our little group. My husband and I took a little trip this weekend and the workbook is sold out in all LifeWay stores from here to Charleston, SC. So, I don't have the workbook yet, but I have been reading the tradebook. I will try my best to keep up. Be patient with me.
Here is a little bio about me. I am a 37 year old stay-at-home mom with two boys ages 6 and 3. My husband is Aaron. Tomorrow, June 18th, is our 14th anniversary. I have lead many Beth studies at my church-Corinth Baptist in London, KY. I first started doing Beth studies 7 years ago and have done about everyone there is, so it was only natural for me to start this one. I have been a church girl my whole life, but Beth's studies have made the Word come alive for me. Through her studies I have really learned how to put my theology into reality. Today, I am loving my journey with Jesus.
Anyway, before I quit work to stay at home with my children I was an English teacher, but please don't critique me. After 7 years at home I am a bit out of practice. My grammar will probably be worse than anyone's.
So--Lets get started.
In His joy,
Amy H

Good Morning Sisters

Good Morning Sisters,

I am so glad that we are starting this Bible Study. I am also new to the "blog sceen". I have already checked out our instructions from Beth this morning. Let me know how we want to connect and what we should do next :-)



The purpose for this blog is to create a communication format for Kentucky ladies participating in Kelly Minter's "No Other Gods" Bible study. My hope is that we can share our thoughts about what we learn in an informal way and get to know one another in the meantime. I am an infant in blog creation and posting, so please bear with me. It's so exciting to be able to get to know ladies out in the state while I sit in my pajamas. :-)