Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Hello From Amy

Good Morning Girls,
I am very excited about this study and about our little group. My husband and I took a little trip this weekend and the workbook is sold out in all LifeWay stores from here to Charleston, SC. So, I don't have the workbook yet, but I have been reading the tradebook. I will try my best to keep up. Be patient with me.
Here is a little bio about me. I am a 37 year old stay-at-home mom with two boys ages 6 and 3. My husband is Aaron. Tomorrow, June 18th, is our 14th anniversary. I have lead many Beth studies at my church-Corinth Baptist in London, KY. I first started doing Beth studies 7 years ago and have done about everyone there is, so it was only natural for me to start this one. I have been a church girl my whole life, but Beth's studies have made the Word come alive for me. Through her studies I have really learned how to put my theology into reality. Today, I am loving my journey with Jesus.
Anyway, before I quit work to stay at home with my children I was an English teacher, but please don't critique me. After 7 years at home I am a bit out of practice. My grammar will probably be worse than anyone's.
So--Lets get started.
In His joy,
Amy H


Kentucky Siestas said...

Happy anniversary!

Karen said...

Amy, I have plenty at the Louisville LifeWay. Call me there and I will ship one to you!

502 491 4589