Monday, July 28, 2008

Beth's Message #4 - Week Five, Question One

It's been a whirlwind since we left Saturday for Destin. The place where we are staying is supposed to have WiFi, but it was spotty, and basically nonexistent. So, in order to have the Internet, I have to hang out in my brother/sister in law's room to be able to hook up directly to the modem (sorry Derek and Sherri :-)
I am copy/pasting in order to get the discussion questions posted tonight.
Love you all! Will post again later!

1. Take a look at the bottom of p.103, starting with the question, “What word in Numbers 11:4 (NIV) is used to describe their desire for meat?” Discuss a number of specific ways craving something is different from wanting it. While you’re at it, continue a discussion Melissa and I started on a walk a few nights ago. We were talking about how you can tell you’re getting out of control with something when you start trying to be secretive about it. What do you think?

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