Wednesday, July 2, 2008


I am rarely without one of these three drinks: unsweetened iced tea (only brewed without lemon and LOTS of ice), Diet Coke, or water. I have a water bottle with me in the choir, I purchase a Speedway 44 0z. Diet Coke at least once a day, and I always have something to drink on my nightstand when I go to bed. Why is this? I don't want to be thirsty. I don't want to feel parched.

I just finished the intro. and Day 1 of Session 3: LIES, and the thirst metaphor really connected with me.

On p. 56 Kelly says that we all need a refuge, a sanctuary but only one source of satisfaction and refuge exists. That source is GOD.

Lord, Help me to "drown" myself in Your living water so I will never thirst again. Thank you for my fellow Siestas on this journey with me. We boldly claim your promise that YOU ALONE are sufficient to meet our every need. We love you Jesus. AMEN

1 comment:

Cheri said...

I can relate to this. I always have a drink beside me...water, tea, coffee, and when at work, too much diet Coke. It seems I'm always thirsty (no I do not have diabetes). As a result, I'm always in the bathroom also.

I actually crave hot's one of life's simple pleasures (and comforts) that I've grown accustomed to having every day.

I agree with you Linda. I, too, want to have the same craving for His living water.
