Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Beth's Message # 3: Holding On to the Edge of the Envelope

NOG - p. 66.
King Hezekiah and the attack on his faith.

Streams in the Desert - p. 168.
“Genuine faith puts its letter in the mailbox and lets go. Distrust, however, holds on to a corner of the envelope and then wonders why the answer never arrives.”
What envelope have you been most prone to hold the edge of?


Katie A. said...

Another hard question. I have been holding on to the envelope of my job hunt and my future. I am sometimes unwilling to let go because I want to be in control. But I have learned that I need to just put that one in the mailbox and let God handle it.

Karen said...

I would have to say health issues and my family. As women, I think we want to fix everything. But that's God's business, not ours.

connie said...

I find my self doing this all the time, I just think I can get things done faster, so I hold on to those things and in the end I have to give them over or they turn out really bad... God always does a better job than I can do...

Yvonne said...

Oh ladies, does that hit home for me!!!! I have a tremendously difficult time letting go of worries for my boys and my husband. I spend many nights praying for long periods of time for them and then want to still hold on to the worry and try my best to "fix" whatever it is that I spent time at the throne of Grace asking Him to take care of. I know God loves them more than I do, which is so hard to wrap my little mind around, and that he wants what is best for them. But the mother/wife in me wants to hold on, to not be patient and wait on His timing and His perfect answer.