Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Beth's Final NOG Message - Week 8 "Making Room - Cleaning the Heart"

Question 2:

Beth writes:
The intro to Session Eight was so powerful and dead on. Revisit the testimony about the married friend realizing she needed to get rid of the cards, letters and emails from the first guy she ever loved. Another friend shared a similar story with Kelly that she references on p.178. We can hang on to all sorts of things from the past besides old boyfriends and, often, until we really say goodbye, we can’t say hello to something wonderful God has for us. As Kelly’s been telling us for weeks, we’ve got to make ROOM.
Discuss a time you came to a similar conclusion and acted on it.
OR, if you haven’t let go of something but you know you need to, ask your group members to hold you accountable and pray for you to have courage to follow through.


Cheri said...

I am notorious for saving stuff from my past that is not worth saving. And it is sooo hard for me to move on. When I have moved (which fortunately has not been too often), it has taken me forever to get my stuff out of my former abode (my parents home, an office, etc.) The longer I keep something, the harder it is to pitch it. I feel that God is calling me to cut some apron strings with a few aspects of my past. I know I will feel better and I pray for God's help in doing that.

Sherri said...

I have hung on to letters from my past. Not from an old boyfriend, but from a good girl friend that was negatively affecting my walk with the Lord. I still have the emails that I printed out at the time, but I am planning on getting rid of them when we move. It was hard to let go of that relationship and though it blessed me in many ways, it was an idol!